John William Lindt

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(Frankfurt am Main 01.01.1845 - 19.02.1926 Melbourne)


Geburtsname: Johann Wilhelm Lindt

“German born photographer J.W. Lindt asked local Bundjalung and Gurnbainggir people to come to his Grafton studio and pose with props he had gathered from various sources. The portfolios, which had different combinations from a stock of about 50 images, became the most widely distributed images of indigenous people in the 19th century.” [1]

1862 Ankunft in Australien, in Grafton NSW, Zusammenarbeit mit Conrad Wagner

1873-74 Portraitserien von Aborigines

ab 1876 Studio in Melbourne

1885-87 Reisen nach Papua-Neuguinea


Margaret Haller: "Collecting old Photographs", New York 1978, Arco Publishing, ISBN 0-668-04244-3

Shar Jones: "J. W. Lindt: Master Photographer", Melbourne 1985

e-photo newsletter 8.5.2004

Robin Lenman (Hrsg.): "The Oxford Companion to the Photograph", Oxford 2005, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0198662718, S.366

John Hannavy: "Encyclopedia of Nineteenth-Century Photography", New York 2008, Routledge (2 Bände), ISBN 978-0-415-97235-2

Ludger Derenthal und Christine Kühn (Hg.), Ein neuer Blick, Architekturfotografie aus den Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin, Katalog anlässlich der Ausstellung der Sammlung Fotografie der Kunstbibliothek im Museum für Fotografie, Ernst Wasmuth Verlag, Tübingen 2010, ISBN 987-3-8030-0704-9
